Aug 31, 2011
Christian thinkers in science
Aug 26, 2011
molecular evolution
starting with a post by Mike Behe, on a proposed mechanism for the evolution of complex cellular systems like the spliceosome:
"Overwhelmingly, progress in biology has consisted of finding new and ever-more-sophisticated properties of systems that had been thought simple. If apparently simple systems are much more complex than they initially seemed, I would bet heavily against the hypothesis that apparently complex systems are much simpler than they appear."
also, I will read this eventually: directed evolution and enzyme alterations:
Aug 22, 2011
discordant beauty
You never know what temporal days may bring
So laugh, love, live free and sing.When life is in dis/cord
Praise ye the Lord.
the html on this site has gone weird and formatting is a hassle, so I don't bother when I'm meant to be studying
Aug 20, 2011
naturalism as explanation
Thought I'd share (the insight below is not particularly controversial, but I find it is helping to clarify some things; you've gotta love analytical philosophy. I don't think I've ever seen this stated so clearly and it leads on to a bunch of things that I'm excited about.), partly as a reminder to me in future to read it again when I have time to scribble some thoughts on related things:
How plausible is the thesis that every fact has either a purely natural explanation or else no explanation at all? Theists will certainly not find this thesis plausible. Theists think that at least one observed fact, the fact that there are natural things, has an explanation and has no natural explanation – its explanation being, of course, that there are natural things because God created them. Doesn’t the thesis that everything we observe either has no explanation whatever or else has a purely natural explanation simply assume the falsity of theism?
Aug 16, 2011
Aug 12, 2011
meaningful exchanges
The gospel: it’s truly relevant
Intrinsically; part of it.
Selfishness’s final solution
Good news: life which goes on and on
But how can someone communicate
This - 'true but inconvenient'?
Our faux-righteousness is no payment
Grace, free; generously given
Little surprise, faces resistance
All men want to be sovereign
Yet God exchanged divinity’s throne
With servant’s form; that’s upside down!
Crucified so that peace may be known
Take up your cross, the slave is now crowned
What of ourselves, now Death's overturned?
May our lives help make this Truth heard?
Aug 9, 2011
ambiguous violence
What's up with that?!
Maybe I'll write more on this sometime.
"Those involved in criminality should be under no illusion that we will pursue you."
Aug 6, 2011
standing in my defense
Your blood: speaks a better word
Than all the empty claims I've heard upon this earth
Speaks righteousness for me
And stands in my defense
Jesus it's Your blood.
Some day I intend to write more about this; about how and why and that the blood of Jesus the Messiah was shed to rectify my stubborn opposition to the God who created me and is sovereign over the universe.
Your comments, of whatever stripe, are welcome. This is not merely some article of lofty faith for me, but really important to how I live my life and why I do what I do - if I'm wrong about this, I want to know and if you are, I think you should want to as well.