I have a large stack of books on the shelf I'm not gonna be reading for a while and a couple in the philosophy of science that I should be reading; but of more interest to you, perhaps, there are various blogs & people around on the internet which seem worth my time, if not yours:
This guy is a NZer and seems to make pretty cool podcasts on various things like philosophy, theology and philosophical theology - and maybe even theological philosophy: http://www.beretta-online.com/wordpress/ He's in the South Island so haven't met him yet, but sooner or later it seems likely. Educational and entertaining; if you have the bandwidth to listen to them, please do - and if you're wealthy and Christian (it's well known that all Christians are either dirt-poor hillbillies or rich televangelists), see his site & help him get to a conference at Oxford.
Alvin Plantinga is excellent, genuinely funny in a subtle way, which is not something I'll say often of Christian philosophers or philosophers in general - there is a debate of him and Dan Dennett floating around somewhere well worth listening to.
"Theaters are the new Church of the Masses -- where people sit huddled in the dark listening to people in the light tell them what it is to be human." A quote from a 1930s film critic was quoted again here: http://blog.beliefnet.com/jesuscreed/ - and reminded me of things that Mark Strom, of Laidlaw college has said. What it means to be human is quite an important question.
Here's another BOOK (if you're not sure what these strange papery things are, I can lend you some easy ones to get you started) added to the wishlist http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1586174312?ie=UTF8&tag=jescre-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1586174312#noop
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