May 22, 2010

Justice – a conversation

I heard this word

So, yeah; I’ve been thinking.
“What is this?”


Is it all about what I am owed
Or what the “I am” knows?
Either / both / neither / please try harder?
Is it social convention, untestable, or like the mist?
Personal creation, yet another western myth;
Or is it just something that somehow just is?


Slavery, plane crashes and genetic diseases
How relate these things to my friend Jesus?
Has He something to say about ‘fair trade’
Bioethics, statistics, where cotton is made;
About the way it pleases me to use my days?

In Justice?

And what about the epitomy of kitsch religious ugliness,
that plain wooden Roman cross on a Palestinian hill?
Is that how justice appeared; appeareth it still?

Isn’t it really, in rational, self-determined reality
All pretty much all about me; am I not entirely free?
What is this 'rock', this 'way', this 'light', this 'wine';
Just more metaphors to add to things which are ‘mine’?
How can I give up what I am owed by right; I’ve worked for it!

Actually, no.


Is, at the core, about the ones you have left out
And; as is most obvious, do not care at all about.
I speak of the lonely, the ugly, the poor, the homeless,
The unborn, the unfriendly, the traitors, the prostitutes.
The stuff you care about is beyond unimportant
And those far from your hearts are close to God’s


We’ve messed up, but are unduly confident
In the small things given us. And at such a cost.
Will you live freely? Will I? Will we?
Can you accept His blank cheque and spend it
To befriend those given less who nevertheless love more?

Live well, live to the full;

Walk humbly with God
Love faithfulness
Do justice.

Check out Micah 6 for more.

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