Nov 26, 2009

Being edited, but here you go anyway


Welcome to an unhygienic, truth-anaemic student hole
Dedicated to the egos of the tenured
And the hopes of those who are not!

Where over-opinionated undergraduates
Fail to recognise their role as parrots
Sleep deprived student labourers
Deserve love or pity yet get blank faces & beer
In dark shadows preternatural postgraduates play pool

Oh, if only Orientation included such wise sureties
As the joys of un-fellowship in science class
Snobbery assumed supposedly for safety
And retained for sheer convenience

“Learn, damn-it! Or we shall remove you!”
“There you go; regurgitation isn’t that hard now, is it?”
“You’re moving up the non-existent ranks!”
“Relatively speaking, you are a veritable success!”
“You want to think critically? Child, what is wrong with you?”

Cheers, big ears! Another semester has passed us by
Soon we shall be middle class malcontents
And then, perhaps, we shall die
Once our money has all been carefully misspent

Arts students know how to have fun!
Yet have not quite decided why it even matters
Commerce is in people; for we are beautiful objects!
Maximise occasions for sex! At all costs minimise depth
Law is a sure categorisation of the whims of the strong

[ Something has gone badly wrong
The commercialisation and objectification
Of tertiary education
Or the human condition?

An answer lies in charity, faith and humility
Rather than growth in educational faculties
Yet do not distract us; for we; it is sure
Are the ones having fun! ]

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